Brigadeiro is a very sweet candy, as others typical pastries from Brazil and that’s the way a lot of people like them. We here have a strong influence from Portugal, which also has a very sweet pastry tradition, heritage from the Arab culture.
Brigadeiro has to be present in every kid’s birthday party all over Brazil, despite their economic class or background. That’s one thing for sure all Brazilians have in common. Because its very easy to do its one of the first things we learn how to cook. It also can be done almost anywhere, even when you’re camping, as I did once.
Nowadays we have fancy gourmet brigadeiros in Brazil, they are made with high quality cocoa and different flavor combinations. They are sold in really cute stores and come in nice packaging. Check out the first gourmet brigadeiro store in Sao Paulo: http://www.mariabrigadeiro.com.br/index.htm
Here's the basic recipe, but you can try mixing different ingredients and create your own gourmet brigadeiro!
1 can of condensed milk
1 tablespoon of butter
3 tablespoons of chocolate powder
Put all the ingredients in a pan over low heat, stirring constantly to obtain a smooth, sticky texture, about 10 minutes. To know if it’s ready you tilt the pan and the mixture has to run from the bottom. There are two ways to serve brigadeiro. The traditional method is to roll the candy into balls which are then covered in chocolate. The second method is to leave the candy slightly more fluid and to eat it with a spoon. Brigadeiro can also be used as a topping or covering for cakes, ice cream and crepes.